
MetLife Legacy TreesTM

Dec 15, 2023

The Legacy Trees Program is our pledge to plant a tree in honor of each loved one for whom MetLife has paid a Group Life Insurance benefit1. While serving as a living memorial for our insureds, the program will also fight deforestation, provide clean air, shade cover and habitat for animals, while reducing erosion and flooding in communities.

"We are honored to partner with MetLife to help cultivate hope and healing through their Legacy Trees program. As a living tribute to the MetLife community, this program is helping to create more resilient forests and restore vital ecosystems that need it most. Through this collaboration, each tree becomes a legacy that helps build a healthier, more sustainable future for the planet."

– Dan Lambe, Chief Executive of the Arbor Day Foundation

A Timeline of Progress

 a fimeline progress stats from 2018 t0 2024

Hurricane Michael left thousands of acres of destroyed forest cover in its wake. In addition to providing drinking water for nearly 175,000 residents, these areas are also home to wildlife, including the gopher tortoise, bobwhite quail, Sherman’s fox squirrel, deer, turkey, and more2.

Our Tree Planting Partners

Our Tree Planting Partners

photograph by Matthew Coughlin

MetLife partners with the Arbor Day Foundation and their network of local tree planting partners to implement our tree planting program.

As the world’s largest member nonprofit dedicated to planting trees, the Arbor Day Foundation has been inspiring people to plant, nurture, and celebrate trees since 1972. And that simple mission has had a global impact. For over 50 years, the Foundation has worked to plant over 500 million trees in forests and communities around the world. And through their strong network of members, partners, and supporters, the Foundation is working to plant another 500 million trees over the next 5 years.

More information is available at arborday.org.

Environmental Statistics Per Tree* 

Avoided and sequestered CO2 per tree (In pounds):


* Projected 40-year estimates based on a small representative species in this area, configured by Arbor Day Foundation using i-Tree Tools.

Farmer cleaning the farm
photograph by Matthew Coughlin


Dearest Kaylynn! Words cannot express how deeply

Dearest Kaylynn! Words cannot express how deeply loved, honored and missed you are. Our hearts are heavy, but our love never stops growing. We love you from the deepest part of our hearts. We carry you with us everyday. Until we meet again you will be our forever Angel.❤️💜 Thank you Metlife for honoring my daughters life and for blessing me, her brothers, her father and all of her family who miss her dearly . She was an avid lover of nature and animals. It is of great honor that she is blessed with a tree in her name. Forever in our hearts! Mom and Family.

Kathleen Farley

My daughter, Melissa Arroyo, passed away on Feb

My daughter, Melissa Arroyo, passed away on Feb. 1, 2023. I know she is in heaven and is not suffering anymore but I miss her very much. Life is not the same without her. She was always happy despite her health condition. Her desire was to help others that were going through similar problems. I know that I will be reunited with her one day and until then she will always be present in my mind and heart. Thank you so much for planting a tree in her honor!

Yesenia Arroyo

Though my husband Bill was taken from us way to 

Though my husband Bill was taken from us way to soon his spirit will forever live on in the memories we cherish and the love we shared. He was my partner in crime my confidant my best friend and my husband. He loved to race his cars, he loved to hunt, and fish. Many of you may remember him listening to his 50's music while having a beer. He loved his kids and he was my autistic grandson best friend. He is truly missed by all of us. We would like to thank you for planting the tree and it will act as a memorial of Bill's life and legacy.

Denise Sokol

This tree planting is for my husband Steve aka

This tree planting is for my husband Steve aka PAPA. You were a light of our family and you will be missed greatly. I see you in all our grandchildren, who loved and adored you. Because of all your work at GP during all the storms that came, I know this would mean a lot to you to have them replanting from the damage. We all thank MetLife for honoring you in this way, I'm sure it makes you very happy. I know it does all of us.

Kathy Autrey

To my wonderful wife of 40 years who

To my wonderful wife of 40 years who passed away February 22nd, 2024. You caring heart, lovely smile and wonderful wife, mom, daughter and friend to many will truly be missed. I know we will see one another again. Until then you spirit will be with me and my love for you will always be in my heart. Love you Mrs. Fabolous.

Carl Womack

This tribute is for Darren Han (May 28, 2008 – Apr 17, 2024)

This tribute is for Darren Han (May 28, 2008 – Apr 17, 2024). He loved the nature. He is very much, much missed. We always remember that his special smile that caring heart that warm embrace you always gave us. Although we know we’ll see you again, one day to talk and hold your hand. We thank MetLife for honoring his life and legacy by planning a tree. Jun Han Yan Zhang Daphne Han Phoebe Han.

Jun Han

My sweet daddy, you were ripped from me way too soon.

My sweet daddy, you were ripped from me way too soon. I cant wait u til the day i can get to hug you and see your smiling face again. Until then I will keep trying to make you proud. I love you so much . Thank you metlife for keeping my daddys memory alive.

Kayla Bates

This tribute from metlife was totally unexpected

This tribute from metlife was totally unexpected. I got so emotional after reading the letter that a company do care about their customers in such a touching beautiful way. My son Ryan would approve how his life was honored...thank you.

B O'Connor

This tree that is planted is for my son 

This tree that is planted is for my son Brandon S. Winters, that lost his life in December 2023. Brandon enjoyed outdoor activities, and he really enjoyed playing basketball with his friends. He was a nature at sports. I would like to thank MetLife for honoring my son with this tree in his memory. Every time, the wind blows. I will think of Brandon aka B, the Beaster. Soar on my son! You are loved and you will never be forgotten! Love Mom (Kathy Narcisse).

Kathy Narcisse

Dedicated to the loving memory of Thelma Elder

Dedicated to the loving memory of Thelma Elder, my glorious mother who instilled the virtues of Faithfulness, Goodness, Righteousness, Humanity, Hard Work, Excellence and Honesty in my sister and myself! We honor her memory and legacy, as we enrich our planet with new life and the hope for a cleaner environment for her grandchildren and great-grandchildren to enjoy during their lifetime.

Leland Elder

Has MetLife

Has MetLife planted a tree for your loved one?

Frequently Asked Questions

The trees are planted at the best suitable planting time for the region, within a given calendar year.

The Arbor Day Foundation thoroughly vets planting partners and project teams to ensure that trees are responsibly planted and maintained throughout the entire project process. While Mother Nature can be difficult to predict, you can rest easy knowing that the Arbor Day Foundation and its partners strive to create healthy, thriving forests.

We are planting one tree for each deceased insured individual of MetLife Group Benefits life insurance. There is no limit on how many trees we will plant. 

Our planting partners select and plant trees native to the specific area. Trees planted through this initiative are 6 – 10 inch seedlings.

All plantings are completed by contracted professional tree planters and are overseen and assessed by foresters on the grounds.

You are welcome to visit the forest area, if desired. While there is a tree planted for every insureds, there are not plaques or markers on the trees to commemorate that they are MetLife trees.

No, there is no option to opt out or make special requests related to the trees. A tree will be planted for every insured individual for whom MetLife has paid a Group Life Insurance benefit. There is no cost to the beneficiary or policyholder.

No, the MetLife Legacy TreesTM program only applies to Group Life Insurance insureds. 

Learn more about MetLife sustainability efforts 

MetLife Sustainability