MetLife Employee Benefit Trends Driving Employee Engagement

MetLife Employee Benefit Trends

Driving Employee Engagement and Reducing Stress

Chapter 2

Key Takeaways:

  • Support from employers is even more important during the COVID-19 crisis: there is a correlation between strong employer support and employee feelings of success, appreciation, engagement, productivity and respect.
  • Roughly a third of employees are experiencing stress and/or burnout during the pandemic, which could lead to lower productivity, engagement and loyalty, as well as increased absenteeism.
  • The top drivers of productivity, engagement and loyalty are employee recognition, competitive compensation and a comprehensive benefits program.

The COVID-19 pandemic is creating new challenges and placing additional stress on employees and their organizations every day. Improving productivity, engagement and loyalty, as well as reducing stress and burnout, are key objectives for organizations looking to manage both through and beyond the crisis.

Providing employees support will be key to managing workplace stress through the pandemic.

Data Visualization: See what drives desired employee outcomes, so you can make informed decisions for your workforce
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Employers who are taking action to support employees during the COVID-19 crisis are creating positive impact

Addressing workplace stress is now more important than ever.

1 in 3 employees feel tired, stressed infrographic

Wave 2 data shows a strong correlation between an employer offering benefits and support for employees and positive employee feelings and well-being.

When employers support their employees, especially in the face of unprecedented challenges and uncertainty, employees report feeling more successful, valued, engaged, productive and respected. If employees, are unsupported, reports of those feelings drop significantly.

Do you feel your employer is offering benefits or programs that help support or improve your well-being during this time?

Percentage of employees who report feeling…
74% No, they are not Productive
87% Yes, they are Productive
67% No, they are not Engaged
81% Yes, they are Engaged

Offer programs that support and improve employee well-being.

Employee Benefit Trends

Employers have tangible ways to improve employee productivity and engagement and reduce burnout and depression

Download the full study for specific actions employers can take to impact these metrics and better position their employees and their companies to manage the crisis.

Go to Chapter 3 to learn about a model of holistic well-being that can further help employers understand what tools they have at their disposal to work toward positive outcomes and mitigate negative ones. 


Download the full study with 60+ pages of comprehensive insights and strategies.

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